Pension App finds and combines pensions

Pension App automatically finds your pensions and transfers them into a new pension plan. One that you can keep track of. With pensions, your capital is at risk.

How it works

Get Started

Sign up for our Pension App service with a quick and easy online form.

Automatic Process

Your existing pensions will be traced and transferred into your new Pension App pension.

Your New Pension App Pension

View the tracing and transfer process together with the valuation of your new Pension App pension any time you wish.

Our fees

Once your pensions are transferred to your Pension App account, your current providers will stop deducting fees.

Pension App will charge 0.7% per year. In each year that you withdraw funds, an additional £70 charge will apply.

Our pension plans

We offer simple and effective pension plans. Cautious, Balanced & Adventurous funds managed by BlackRock, the worlds largest fund manager. With pensions, your capital is at risk.

View Plan Factsheets: